Old Growth Restoration

96 percent of all old-growth redwoods have been killed by loggers and 21 percent of all old-growth forests on earth are intact.

State of the World’s Forests, https://www.wri.org/resource/state-worlds-forests

Just to think, generations of people were able to watch these trees over many growth cycles, cycles that last 7 human cycles of full 7 generation periods (~140 years back and ~140 years forward). But the superior mind of the fire suppressing, industrial, monotheist could only dream of timber, framework.

We need fire back on the ground, and we need the old growth forests to return – neither you or me will see this; our children’s children’s children, etc… will not see this. This damage is deeper than a conservationists televised plea for nature. Indigenous communities and knowledge must take control of land and ocean management. The only hope is that ceremony is restored for our 7th generation, and that science literacy recognizes the global roots of empiricism. We can only wish that the 14th generation walk amongst the new giants in the next era.

(Let me preface: I’m no xylologist/dendrologist but…) 7 generations for the redwoods = 500 years for a full approximate generation * 7 generations = > 3500 years… a full 7 generation cycle would comprise 7000 years… how many humans and human societies exist in this world of the old growth redwoods and other ancient life forms?

Mathematics and Gardening

A feeling we often neglect, but perform and plan for ceaselessly, it that of dis-attachment. The funny thing is, wise people somewhat often get attached to dis-attaching. This has: no answer, infinite possibility, and meaninglessness.

Let poetry and art break all formalities of multimedia form.

Let physics and engineering break all formalities of matter and life.

All creativity is mathematics and gardening. It is true visa versa. Observances of near infinite quantum states and cosmic grandeur.

“The Buddha cautions monks – be careful you may fall in love with the Truth…”

Dharampad, the Way of Truth
Photo by MathDudels + VisuallyUs from Pexels

To Be Human

To be human;

Looking back, we were able to find water and food, and safe places to reside just about anywhere on Earth [200k-100k years ago +]. And in the relative present we have been able to perform and calculate wild phenomenon through math and science. But somehow, all that potential is spent memorizing plots to TV serials, videogame mechanics, the lyrics to a normal distribution of 40 popular songs (for your demographic) every year… we worry about the number of emoji’s we use in a text 

And this is for the ~2 Billion of us with active use of smartphones. What about the other 5 Billion?


